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Why isn't the church healthy?
What "system" does work?
What does "church government" biblically look like?
Read our book, "Biblical Church Government" to findout!


From a thorough investigation of this Psalm, I am convinced it is a specially equipped vessel for God's warfare. We are in a time of critical need to awaken the body of Christ to the truths of God's Word. Psalm 119 is a secret weapon of war that has been sitting in dry dock, awaiting this day of greatest need. Now is the time for this incredible, ultra-equipped war ship to make its debut. Welcome aboard, click here to let the tour begin!

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All of our messages are written and copyrighted by Darrell Farkas, or are in the Public Domain.
Feel free to print out any of them, but only in their entirety.

"It need not be said that to carry out convicton into action is a costly sacrifice. It may make necessary renunciations and separations which leave one to feel a strange sense both of deprivation and loneliness. But he who will fly as an eagle goes into the higher levels where cloudless day abides, and live in the sunshine of God, must consent to live a comparatively lonely life. No bird is so solitary as the eagle. Eagles never fly in flocks: one, or at most two, and the two, mates, being ever seen at once. But the life that is lived unto God, however it forfeits human companionship, knows divine fellowship, and the child of God who like his Master undertakes to

'do always the things that please Him,'
can like his Master say,
'The Father hath not left me alone.'
'I am alone; yet not alone, for the Father is with me.'

Whosoever will promptly follow whatever light God gives, without regard to human opinion, custom, tradition, or approbation, will learn the deep meaning of these words:

'Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord.'"

From the 1899 biography of George Mueller